Friday, August 18, 2006

Who Would Win

The Creepiness Award?
(For Elizabeth.) I'd say: Bangs, hands down.

I did appreciate Mr. Green Jeans and Moose and Bunny. But they were no way as fundamental to me as the Neighborhood characters. Speedy delivery? And the crayon factory? And the exciting moment when Prince Tuesday was born? All very top-notch stuff.

Is there an essay collection about the Neighborhood? I have heard about "Mr. Rogers and Me" (a film by a guy who really was Mr. Rogers's neighbor). There's also a book about the significance of the show for kids. But are there any essays that explore, say, the museum collection of Lady Elaine Fairchild? Or the never-quite relationship between Lady Aberlin and Handyman Negri? Or that ask the difficult questions about Edgar Cooke? There should be.

I'll have to think more about this.


Blogger Gordon Merrick said...

I'd love to read a theorizing of that liminal space between his home and TLOMB. There's much to be said there.

Also, what about the practical issues:
What goes on in that tunnel? Is there a toll? Does it suffer from make-believe-leakages? Does the real creep over and screw with the "truth" levees?

8:53 AM  

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